Tips to Prepare for Dental Implants
First, you need to visit a dentist. Our dentist will need to do a thorough examination, with x-rays, to determine what your needs are. He will be able to go over your options to make sure that you are well informed to make the right decision for you and your oral health. Our dentist will talk to you about the implant process if you are interested. He will discuss whether or not you will need bone grafts or jaw reshaping to ensure that your implants are as successful as possible.
You may need to be on some medications before the procedure. Our dentist will most likely prescribe antibiotics for you to ensure that any infection in your mouth is cleared up before you get your implants. You may also be required to take an immunosuppressant drug so that your body won't reject your implants.
Your jaw may need to be prepared before your dental implant procedure. There are times when our dentist will need to do a bone graft to ensure that your jaw is strong enough to hold the implant. He may also have to remove some parts of your jawbone if it is too bulky. If you have impacted teeth, they will need to be removed before your procedure.
Make sure that you know what needs to be done before your procedure or procedures. You are going to want to make sure that you are fully prepared before you schedule your procedure.
Be sure to fast before your procedure. You should have nothing to eat or drink for about twelve hours before your procedure.
You are also going to want to wear comfortable clothing on the day of your surgery. This will help you stay as comfortable as possible the entire day.
You should make sure that you take at least two or three days off of work (and other activities). Your body is going to need time to heal, so you aren't going to want to have to deal with going to work. If you have children, you may want someone to come in for a few days to help you get everything done. You shouldn't be worried about homework or fixing meals for everyone. You will need someone else to run them back and forth to their practices and other activities. You need to focus on yourself and healing.
You may want to keep your schedule light for about a week. When you feel better and up to going to work, you may need a lighter schedule to ease back into it. If you have a physical job, you may want to ask for some desk work while you recover (or simply take a few extra days off)!
You will need to avoid exercise for at least a week. You won't be able to do anything physical for at least a week while you are recovering. You don't want to push your body, or it will make it take even longer to heal!
Stock up on foods and pain medications. You aren't going to want to have to go to the store while you are recovering, so you are going to want to make sure that your family has enough food for them. You are also going to have to eat softer foods for a few days, so make sure that you have plenty for yourself. You also will want to take some over-the-counter pain medications. You aren't going to want to run out in the middle of the night!
Getting dental implants could be the best thing that you ever did, as long as you are prepared. You need to start by talking to our dentist to make sure that you are a good candidate. You also need to take time off of work, find someone to help around the house, and be ready to relax while you are healing! Contact us at Blakeney Dental today to schedule a consultation!