Professional Teeth Whitening is the Quickest and Easiest Way to Look Younger
Professional teeth whitening only takes about an hour
When you come to the office for teeth whitening, you can expect to be in and out in about an hour. The many at-home teeth whitening products available at your local drug store have one thing in common -- they all take weeks to do their job. Many of these products also require twice-daily application. Some ask that you set aside 45 minutes a day for about a month to lighten your teeth a shade or two. That’s 22 hours versus just one hour for professional grade whitening.
Our expertise helps ensure stellar whitening results the first time
There are a few things to consider before you decide to whiten your teeth. Dr. Ranzinger and our expert team at Blakeney Dental have the training and expertise required to help you make the right choices.
For instance, choosing the right shade of white matters. Too much and your teeth become artificially brilliant and look very unnatural. Too little and it’s as if nothing has changed. Also, dental crowns and fillings cannot be whitened. Dr. Ranzinger can often recommend a workaround that ensures your teeth are evenly white rather than mismatched.
He can also ensure your gums are healthy enough for the whitening process. Any bleaching product, including the milder at-home brands, can irritate gums and cause significant discomfort if you have even early gum disease. Whitening should not be considered until the gum disease is treated and your teeth and gums are healthy.
Professional teeth whitening includes professional-strength products
At-home teeth whitening kits often provide unsatisfactory results because the bleaching component, for safety reasons, is too mild to accomplish the lightening you require. Our professional training means we can use much stronger whitening products to get the job done quickly but safely.
It’s easy because we do all the work while you relax
At-home whitening products require a series of steps before you start whitening your teeth, which can be frustrating and time-consuming. This may include trimming generically-sized trays so they fit snugly against your teeth, mixing the bleaching product, and placing it evenly in the trays before sliding them into your mouth.
Some products require you to painstakingly brush the whitening mixture onto each tooth or wrap your teeth in a slippery strip that often falls off long before the process is complete. You won’t have to fuss with any of that when you choose professional whitening.
Looking for a quick and easy anti-aging treatment that can shave years off the calendar? Schedule a visit for professional tooth whitening at Blakeney Dental. Call our office or click to request an appointment while you’re online.