Top 8 Reasons You Don't Need to Be Afraid of Getting Dental Implants


Being scared before any dental procedure is common. Because getting dental implants is a surgical procedure, it creates even more anxiety. The best way to fight your fears is to be informed. Learn everything you can about the dental implants, their function, the procedure, the time span of the entire process, and how to care for your implants. If you have any questions, talk to your dentist. Your dentist is experienced in dental implant surgeries, and he or she can talk you through the different steps.

Read these eight reassuring reasons for not letting your fear of dental implants get the better of you.

  1. Local Anesthesia

    Yes, it's a surgical procedure. No, it won't be painful. You'll be under local anesthesia the whole time, which allows you to remain awake and conscious, but you won't be able to feel what's going on in your mouth.

  2. Today's Techniques Create Less Discomfort

    Dental technology keeps advancing and improving. With today's innovative tools and techniques, your implants can be inserted with minor disruption to gum tissue. All incisions will be stitched up with sutures that self-absorb (which means they won't need to be pulled out). Whatever pain or discomfort you feel after the local anesthesia wears off can be relieved with over-the-counter medication.

    After your mouth has healed completely, the implants do not hurt at all.

  3. Your Dentist Knows Exactly What He or She is Doing

    The procedure for getting a dental implant is a common procedure. Ask your dentist how many times he or she has performed the surgery. You'll probably be reassured by the fact that your dentist is very familiar with it. Plus, your dentist has a lot of other knowledge that may come in handy after the surgery. Your oral health will be well-monitored during and following the dental implant process, so you never have to be worried about unexpected complications. Your dentist is well aware of what is going on inside your mouth.

  4. Your Smile Will Be Presentable While Your Implants are Healing

    Don't worry about having big gaps in your mouth during the dental implant process. Your dentist will provide you with something temporary to cover up your missing teeth. It may be a temporary bridge, denture, or crown. When it's time to install your permanent fake teeth, your dentist will remove the temporary fixtures.

  5. The Implants Will Not React Badly Once They Are In

    Are you afraid of a bad reaction to the metal implants? Don't be. Implants are made of titanium, a type of metal that is not harmful to living tissue. Your body will build bone around the titanium implants, not react against it. The implants do not rust or corrode inside your mouth. People live with dental implants for 30-40 years and don't have any negative reactions.

  6. High Success Rate

    The dental implant procedure is very successful. 90-95% of implants in the last 10 years. Most of them last even longer, especially if you take good care of them. In fact, there's a really good chance that you'll only need one dental implant surgery in your life.

  7. Your New Dental Implants Will Look Amazing!

    Some people fear that they will get dental implants put in, and then they will dislike the way they look or feel. We get it. Dental implants are a real commitment because you don't remove them every night like removable dentures. Here's the thing: dental implants are carefully designed to fit your mouth. The manufacturing process is incredibly precise. The color will blend in perfectly with your natural teeth. Biting down on them will feel so much better than biting down on removable dentures. With such amazing dental technology available to you, why wouldn't you choose to get dental implants?

  8. Your Implants Are Worth the Investment

    What is your smile worth to you? When you first found out the cost of the dental implant procedure, you may have had second thoughts. It is a fair amount of money. However, dental implants have so many advantages, we believe they are worth every penny you spend and then some. High-quality implants will hopefully last you a lifetime, so don't try to save pennies by going with a lower quality. Your experienced dentist will make sure your procedure goes smoothly so you can enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile for years to come.

If you have any fears about dental implants that are still bothering you, do not hesitate to give us a call at (704) 386-6795 or contact us online. We want you to feel comfortable with your decision to get dental implants. The experts at Charlotte Dental Implant Center will never pressure you to get an implant. Instead, we are here to offer you the best dental implant services we can provide, whenever you're ready to make the decision. Please schedule an appointment if you are ready to discuss dental implants.


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